Diffusion of coins in the Netherlands 2002-
This project was set up in 2002 to monitor the diffusion of coins in Europe. After all, once minted, the share of Dutch Euro coins in the Netherlands was 100%. Yet, over the years coins from other countris flowed in while Dutch coins flowed out of the Netherlands. This process of mixing is recorded on a monthly basis around the start of each month up to 1st of February 2015 when the project was discontinued (the sample of the 1st of March 2015 is to small to be useful). These data I record from that project both in the graph and excel below. From 1ste March 2015 onwards I will try to continue this project with monthly data from a small sample of people. These data are valid for the entire month, i.e. March is the average of the whole month of March.

Eurodiffusion dataset updated 8 June 2015
Prices, wages, human capital, and inequality
Database: Microdata on stature, ethnicity, occupation, religion, migration in Indonesia ca. 1890-2000
- Bas van Leeuwen and Péter Földvári, 'Economic mobility in a colonial and post-colonial economy: the case of Indonesia ,' Journal of Interdisciplinary history Vol. 47 (2) 2016, pp. 171-191.
- Excel 2016 spreadsheet, 2,967 Kb
Monthly prices of barley, dates, sesame, cuscuata, cress, and wool in Babylon ca. 582-61 BC
- Bert van der Spek, Bas van Leeuwen, and Jan Luiten van Zanden, 'Market performance through the ages. From first millennium BC Babylonia to 19th century Europe and China,’ In R.J. van der Spek, Bas van Leeuwen and J.L. van Zanden (eds.), A history of Market Performance from Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World, Routledge 2015.
- Excel 1997-2003 spreadsheet, 103 Kb
GDP, GDP per capita, population, and sectoral indices and price indices for England and Great Britain 1270-1870
- About this datafile
- Excel 1997-2003 spreadsheet, 269 Kb
Database on human capital, education, physical capital, GDP, population, and labour force in the Former USSR and its republics, ca. 1920-2010
- About this datafile
- Excel 1997-2003 spreadsheet, 171 Kb
Craftsmen and labourers' wages and price indices in India in constant 1913 Rupee, 1800-2000
- About this datafile
- Excel 1997-2003 spreadsheet, 37 Kb
Annual estimates of human capital at replacement cost in India, Indonesia, and Japan 1900-2000
- About this datafile
- Excel 1997-2003 spreadsheet, 30 Kb
Decadal estimates of human capital at replacement cost: a panel dataset 1970-1995
- About this datafile
- Excel 1997-2003 spreadsheet, 66 Kb
Ginis based on educational attainment for 138 countries, 1960-1999
- About this datafile
- Excel 1997-2003 spreadsheet, 135 Kb
Average years of education in Hungary, 1920-2006
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- Excel 1997-2003 spreadsheet, 16 Kb
Average years of education, population, physical capital stock in Central Europe, 1920-2006
- About this datafile
- Excel 1997-2003 spreadsheet, 96 Kb
Stamboeken of the KNIL (Royal Dutch Indies Army) of Ghanese recruits, 1831-1837
- Author: Nationaal Archief, archive 2.10.50
- About this datafile