Selected publications

Unpublished papers

- Bas van Leeuwen,'Wage differentials and economic growth in India, Indonesia, and Japan, 1800-2000', paper prepared for the conference Towards a Global History of Prices and Wages, 2004 (pdf, 45 pp, 496Kb)

- Steve Broadberry, Bruce Campbell, and Bas van Leeuwen, 'English Agricultural Output 1250-1450: Some Preliminary Estimates,' 3 June 2008 (pdf, 47 pp, 464Kb).

- Alex Apostolides, Steve Broadberry, Bruce Campbell, Mark Overton, and Bas van Leeuwen, 'English Agricultural Output and Labour Productivity, 1250-1850: Some Preliminary Estimates,' 26 November 2008 (pdf, 61 pp, 484Kb).

- Steve Broadberry, Bruce Campbell, and Bas van Leeuwen, 'English medieval population: Reconciling time series and cross sectional evidence ,' 11 October 2011 (pdf, 44 pp, 1,386 kb).

- Steve Broadberry, Bruce Campbell, and Bas van Leeuwen, 'Arable Acreage in England, 1270-1871 ,' 11 October 2011 (pdf, 33 pp, 811 kb).

- Steve Broadberry, Bruce Campbell, Alexander Klein, Mark Overton and Bas van Leeuwen, 'British Economic Growth, 1270-1870: An Output -based Approach,' 18 December 2011 (pdf, 51 pp, 691 kb).
Appendices - Database: Excel 1997-2003

- Steve Broadberry, Bruce Campbell, Alex Klein, Mark Overton, and Bas van Leeuwen, 'English Economic Growth, 1270-1700,' 9 July 2010 (pdf, 62 pp, 1,255 kb).

- Steve Broadberry and Bas van Leeuwen, 'British Economic Growth and the Business Cycle, 1700-1870: Annual Estimates,' 14 July 2010 (pdf, 48 pp, 977 kb).

- Bas van Leeuwen, Adam Izdebski, Guanglin Liu, Xuyi, and Péter Földvári, 'Bridging the gap: agrarian roots of economic divergence in Eurasia up to the late middle ages ,' Paper presented at the “World Economic History Congress” , Stellenbosch 7 – 13 July 2012 (pdf, 32 pp 607 kb).

- Bas van Leeuwen, Péter Földvári, and Jieli van Leeuwen-Li, 'Market performance in China from Han Dynasty to New China, ca. 200BC to AD 1949,' Paper presented at the Asian Historical Economics Conference, Japan, September 2012. (pdf, 33 pp, 732Kb).


working papers

- Yi Xu, Zhihong Shi, Bas van Leeuwen, Yuping Ni, Zipeng Zhang, and Ye Ma (2015), 'Chinese National Income, ca. 1661-1933', Working Papers 70873, University Library of Munich, Germany, 2015.(pdf, 65 pp, 1510Kb)

- Bas van Leeuwen, Reinhard Pirgruber, and Jieli van Leeuwen-Li, 'The standard of living in ancient societies: a comparison between the Han Empire, the Roman Empire, and Babylonia,' Working Papers 0045, Utrecht University, Centre for Global Economic History. The global and long-term development of real wages: methods, problems and possibilities, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Version 2, March 2013. (pdf, 24 pp, 1071Kb).

- Péter Földvári, Bas van Leeuwen and Dmitry Didenko, 2013, 'Central planning, economic growth: a theoretical and empirical application on the USSR and Central Europe ca. 1920-2000,' Working Papers xxxxx, Utrecht University, Centre for Global Economic History.

- Dmitry Didenko, Péter Földvári and Bas van Leeuwen, 2013, 'Inspiration and Perspiration Factors in Economic Growth: The Former Soviet Union Area versus China (ca. 1920-2010),' Global COE Hi-Stat Discussion Paper Series gd12-283, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University.

- Wolter Hassink and Bas van Leeuwen, 2013, 'A Note on Height and Surnames: The Role of Networks,' IZA Discussion Papers 7433, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA).

- Xuyi, Péter Földvári and Bas van Leeuwen, 2013, 'Human capital in Qing China: economic determinism or a history of failed opportunities?,' MPRA Paper 43525, University Library of Munich, Germany.

- Dmitry Didenko, Péter Földvári and Bas van Leeuwen, 2012, 'A dataset on human capital in the former Soviet Union area; Sources, methods, and first results,' Working Papers 0035, Utrecht University, Centre for Global Economic History.

- Stephen Broadberry, Bruce Campbell, Alexander Klein, Mark Overton and Bas van Leeuwen, 2012, 'British Economic Growth, 1270-1870: an output-based approach,' Studies in Economics 1203, Department of Economics, University of Kent.

- Aurelian Plopeanu, Peter Foldvari, Bas van Leeuwen, and Jan Luiten van Zanden, 2012, 'Where do ideas come from? Book production and patents in global and temporal perspective,' Working Papers 0033, Utrecht University, Centre for Global Economic History.

- Bas van Leeuwen, Jieli van Leeuwen-Li, and Péter Földvári, 2012, 'Education as a driver of income inequality in twentieth-century Africay,' MPRA Paper 43574, University Library of Munich, Germany.

- Bas van Leeuwen and Péter Földvári, 2012, 'The Development of inequality and poverty in Indonesia, 1932-1999,' Working Papers 0026, Utrecht University, Centre for Global Economic History.

- Péter Földvári, Bas van Leeuwen, and Jan Luiten van Zanden, 2012, 'The contribution of migration to economic development in Holland and the Netherlands 1510-1900 ,' Working Papers 0025, Utrecht University, Centre for Global Economic History.

- Jan Luiten van Zanden, Joerg Baten, Peter Foldvari, and Bas van Leeuwen, 2011, 'The Changing Shape of Global Inequality - exploring a new dataset ,' Working Papers 0001, Utrecht University, Centre for Global Economic History.

- Bas van Leeuwen, Peter Foldvari, and Reinhard Pirngruber, 2011, 'Markets in pre-industrial societies:storage in Hellenistic Babylonia in the English mirror,' Working Papers 0003, Utrecht University, Centre for Global Economic History.

- Bas van Leeuwen, Jieli van Leeuwen-Li, and Péter Földvári, 2011,'Regional human capital in Republican and New China: Its spread, quality and effects on economic growth,' MPRA Paper 43582, University Library of Munich, Germany.

- Péter Földvári, Bas van Leeuwen, and Jan Luiten van Zanden, 2011,'Long-run patterns in market efficiency and the genesis of the market economy: Markets around the Mediterranean from Nebuchadnezzar to Napoleon (580 BC and 1800AD),' CEPR Discussion Papers 8521, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.

- Jan Luiten van Zanden and Bas van Leeuwen, 2011, 'The Character of growth before 'modern economics growth'? The GDP of Holland between 1347 and 1807 ,' Working Papers 0004, Utrecht University, Centre for Global Economic History.



- Yi Xu and Bas van Leeuwen (2016), "China in World Industrialization," China Economist , 11(6), pp. 98-109.

- Yi Xu, Yuping Ni and Bas van Leeuwen (2016), "Calculation China's Historical Economic Aggregate: A GDP-centered Overview," Social Sciences in China , 37(2), pp. 56-75.

- Bas van Leeuwen and Péter Földvári, 'The Development of inequality and poverty in Indonesia, 1932-1999,' Bulletin of Indonesian Economic History (2016 forthcoming).

- Bas van Leeuwen and Péter Földvári, 'Economic mobility in a colonial and post-colonial economy: the case of Indonesia ,' Journal of Interdisciplinary history Vol. 47 (2) 2016, pp. 171-191.
- Database: Microdata on stature, ethnicity, occupation, religion, migration in Indonesia ca. 1890-2000

- Yi Xu, Zhihong Shi, Bas van Leeuwen, Yuping Ni, Zipeng Zhang, and Ye Ma, 'Chinese National Income, ca. 1661-1933', Australian Economic History Review ( 2016 forthcoming).

- Bas van Leeuwen and Xuyi, 'Zhongguo Gongye de Changqi Biaoxian jiqi Quanqiu Bijiao:1850-2010Nian-Yi Zengjiazhi Hesuan wei Zhongxin (The performance of Chinese Industry in a World Perspective, ca. 1850-2012: a value added approach)', Zhongguo Jingjishi Yanjiu (Journal of Chinese Economic history research) , Vol. 5 2016, pp. 39-50.

- Péter Földvári, Bas van Leeuwen, and Dmitry Didenko, 'Capital formation and economic growth under central planning and transition: A theoretical and empirical analysis, ca. 1920–2008, Acta Oeconomica , Vol. 65 (1) 2015, pp. 27-50.

- Bas van Leeuwen, Dmitry Didenko and Péter Földvári, 'Inspiration vs. Perspiration in Economic Development of the Former Soviet Union and China (ca. 1920–2010), Economics of Transition , Vol. 23 (1) 2015, pp. 213-246.

- Bas van Leeuwen and Yi Xu, 'Nongye Geming De Lianghua: Ping Shi Zhihong (The Quantification of The Agricultural Revolution: A Review of Shi Zhihong's )', Zhongguo Jingjishi Yanjiu (Journal of Chinese Economic history research) , Vol. 5 2015, pp. 31-37.

- Yuping Ni, Yi Xu, and Bas van Leeuwen, 'Zhongguo Lishi Shiqi Jingji Zongliang Guzhi Yanjiu: Yi GDP De Cesuan Wei Zhongxin (An overview of research on the historical size of the Chinese economy: focusing on estimation of historical GDP)', Zhongguo Shehui Kexue (Social Science in China) , Vol. 5 2015, pp. 187-202.

- Péter Földvári, Bas van Leeuwen, and Jieli van Leeuwen-Li 'Educational and income inequality in Europe, ca. 1870-2000, Cliometrica , Vol. 8 (3) 2014, pp. 271-300.

- Wolter Hassink and Bas van Leeuwen, 'A Note on Height and Surnames: The Role of Networks,' Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy Vol. 19 (4) 2014, pp. 579-587.

- Xuyi and Bas van Leeuwen, 'A re-estimation of mass literacy in China in the 19th century,’ Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of History: Qing Forum, (2012). (with Xuyi) (in Chinese)

- Jan Luiten van Zanden, Joerg Baten, Péter Földvári, and Bas van Leeuwen, 'The Changing Shape of Global Inequality 1820–2000; Exploring a New Dataset ,' Review of Income and Wealth Vol. 60 (2) 2014, pp. 279-297.

- Bas van Leeuwen and Péter Földvári, 'Capital accumulation and growth in Central Europe, 1920-2006,' Eastern European Economics , Vol. 51 (5) 2013, pp. 69-93.

- Péter Földvári, József Gáll, Daan Marks, and Bas van Leeuwen, 'Indonesia’s regional welfare development, 1900-1990: new anthropometric evidence ,' Economics & Human Biology , Vol. 11 (1) 2013, pp. 78-89.

- Péter Földvári, Bas van Leeuwen, and Jan Luiten van Zanden, 'The contribution of migration to economic development in Holland and the Netherlands 1510-1900 ,' De Economist , Vol. 161 (1) 2013, pp. 1-18.

- Dmitry Didenko, Péter Földvári and Bas van Leeuwen, 'The spread of human capital in the former Soviet Union area in a comparative perspective: Exploring a new dataset,' Journal of Eurasian studies, Vol. 4 (2) 2013, pp. 123-135.

- Steve Broadberry, Bruce Campbell, and Bas van Leeuwen, '"When did Britain Industrialise?" The Sectoral Distribution of the Labour Force and Labour Productivity in Britain, 1381-1851,' Explorations in Economic History , Vol. 50 (1) 2013, pp. 16-27.

- Péter Földvári and Bas van Leeuwen, 'Comparing per capita income in the Hellenistic world: the case of Mesopotamia ,' Review of Income and Wealth , vol. 58 (3) 2012, pp. 550-568.

- Jan Luiten van Zanden and Bas van Leeuwen, 'Persistent but not consistent: The growth of national income in Holland 1347–1807 ,' Explorations in Economic History , Vol. 49 (2) 2012, pp. 119-130.

- Gareth Austin, Joerg Baten and Bas van Leeuwen, 'The biological standard of living in early nineteenth-century West Africa: new anthropometric evidence for northern Ghana and Burkina Faso,' Economic History Review , Vol. 65 (4), 2012, pp. 1280-1302.

- Péter Földvári, Bas van Leeuwen and Jieli van Leeuwen-Li, 'How did women count? A note on gender specific age heaping differences in the 16th-19th century ,' Economic History Review , Vol. 65 (1) 2012, pp. 304-313.

- Bas van Leeuwen, Péter Földvári, and Reinhard Pirngruber, 'Markets in pre-industrial societies: storage in Hellenistic Babylonia in the medieval English mirror ,' Journal of Global History , vol. 6 (2) 2011, pp. 169-193.

- Péter Földvári and Bas van Leeuwen, 'What can price volatility tell us about market related institutions? Conditional heteroscedasticity in historical commodity price series,' Cliometrica , vol. 5 (2) 2011, pp. 165-186.

- Péter Földvári and Bas van Leeuwen, 'Capital accumulation and growth in Hungary, 1924-2006,' Acta Oeconomica , Vol. 61 (2) 2011, pp. 143-164.

- Péter Földvári and Bas van Leeuwen, ''Should less inequality in education lead to a more equal income distribution?,' Education Economics , Vol. 19 (5) 2011, 537-554.

- Péter Földvári and Bas van Leeuwen, 'An Alternative Interpretation of "average years of education" in growth regressions,' Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 16 (9) 2009, pp. 945-949.

- Péter Földvári and Bas van Leeuwen, 'Average years of education in Hungary: annual estimates 1920-2006,' Eastern European Economics,Vol. 47 (2) 2009, pp. 5-20.

- Bas van Leeuwen and Péter Földvári, 'How much human capital does Eastern Europe have? Measurement methods and results,' Post-Communist Economies,Vol. 20 (2) 2008, pp. 189-201.

- Bas van Leeuwen and Péter Földvári, 'Human Capital and Economic Growth in Asia 1890-2000: a time-series analysis,' Asian Economic Journal , Vol. 22 (3) 2008, pp. 225-240.

- Péter Földvári and Bas van Leeuwen, 'A magyar lakosság átlagos iskolázottságának becslése, 1920-2006,' Statisztikai Szemle (Hungarian Statistical Review),Vol. 86 (10-11) 2008, pp. 995-1010.

- Péter Földvári and Bas van Leeuwen, 'An Estimation of the Human Capital Stock in Eastern and Central Europe', Eastern European Economics, Vol. 43 (6) 2006, pp. 53-65.


books/book chapters

- Steve Broadberry, Bruce Campbell, Alex Klein, Mark Overton, and Bas van Leeuwen, British GDP ca. 1270-1870 , Cambridge University Press (2015).

- Bert van der Spek, Bas van Leeuwen, and Jan Luiten van Zanden, (eds.), A history of Market Performance from Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World , Routledge (2014).

- Bert van der Spek, Bas van Leeuwen, and Jan Luiten van Zanden, 'Market performance through the ages. From first millennium BC Babylonia to 19th century Europe and China,’ In R.J. van der Spek, Bas van Leeuwen and J.L. van Zanden (eds.), A history of Market Performance from Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World, Routledge (2014).

- Foldvari and Bas van Leeuwen, ‘Market performance in early economies: concepts and empirics. With an application to Babylon,’ In R.J. van der Spek, Bas van Leeuwen and J.L. van Zanden (eds.), A history of Market Performance from Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World , Routledge (2014).

- Joost Huijs, Bas van Leeuwen, and Reinhard Pirngruber, ‘Climate, war and economic development: the case of Babylonia,’ In R.J. van der Spek, Bas van Leeuwen and J.L. van Zanden (eds.), A history of Market Performance from Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World , Routledge (forthcoming April 2014).

- Peter Foldvari and Bas van Leeuwen, 'Risk aversion and storage in pre-industrial economies: from Babylonian times until the industrial revolution,’ In R.J. van der Spek, Bas van Leeuwen and J.L. van Zanden (eds.), A history of Market Performance from Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World , Routledge (2014).

- Bas van Leeuwen, Peter Foldvari, and Jan Luiten van Zanden, ‘Long-run patterns in market performance and the genesis of the market economy: Markets around the Mediterranean from Nebuchadnezzar to Napoleon (580 BC and AD 1800),’ In R.J. van der Spek, Bas van Leeuwen and J.L. van Zanden (eds.), A history of Market Performance from Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World , Routledge (2014) (with Jan Luiten van Zanden and Peter Foldvari).

- Bert van der Spek, Peter Foldvari, and Bas van Leeuwen, ’How much can you buy for silver? Staple crops and silver from antiquity till the industrial revolution,’ In R.J. van der Spek, Bas van Leeuwen and J.L. van Zanden (eds.), A history of Market Performance from Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World , Routledge (2014) (with Bert van der Spek and Peter Foldvari).

- Bert van der Spek, Bas van Leeuwen, and Jan Luiten van Zanden, ‘Markets – What markets? On price volatility, market performance and the state,’ In R.J. van der Spek, Bas van Leeuwen and J.L. van Zanden (eds.), A history of Market Performance from Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World , Routledge (2014) (with Bert van der Spek and Jan Luiten van Zanden).

- Bert van der Spek and Bas van Leeuwen, ' Quantifying the integration of the Babylonian economy in the Mediterranean world using a new corpus of price data, 400-50 BC. ,' In F. de Callatay and A. Wilson (eds.), Long-term quantification in ancient history , Bari: Edipuglia (2014).

- Péter Földvári and Bas van Leeuwen, 'Teljes termelési tényezo hatékonyság Magyarországon: történeti idosorok empirikus elemzése,' In: Kapás, J. (szerk.) Technológiai fejlodés és intézmények. Competitio könyvek , DE KTK, Debrecen, 2009.

- Bas van Leeuwen, Human Capital and Economic Growth in India, Indonesia, and Japan: A quantitative analysis, 1890-2000, 2007 (thesis)
(The data are available in "Excel"). The paper version of the book can be bought at the "BOX Press Publishers"

Human Capital and Economic Growth in India, Indonesia, and Japan

Abstract of thesis

The analysis of endogenous economic growth may be subdivided into two broad streams of theories. The main difference between these two groups rests on whether a country is at the technological frontier. In less developed countries (which are further from the technological frontier) technologies can be adopted from abroad (Lucasian growth). Hence, their human capital is used entirely to apply these technologies in the productive process. As a country develops further (approaches the technological frontier), it becomes increasingly difficult to adopt technologies from abroad and, therefore, more and more of its own human capital must be used to create new technologies (Romerian growth: R&D). The remaining human capital is used to apply these new technologies in the productive process.
From this perspective it is not surprising that Japan moved from Lucasian to Romerian growth in the mid-twentieth century. In the first half of the century, Japan witnessed a strong growth of human capital. This led to a strong growth of the industrial sector and an increase in technological development which attributed to the switch to Romerian growth in the second half of the century. India and Indonesia, however, remained dominated by Lucasian growth. Not only was their per capita stock of human capital much lower than in Japan, but it was also less efficient. In addition, these countries were disadvantaged by their late economic development. It was no longer enough to employ enough secondary trained persons to generate technological development. Technological development started to take place at the level of higher education, a level where these countries had a relative disadvantage compared to more developed countries.
