historical data
Agricultural long
time series for Hungary
This website of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office presents data on
agriculture stretching back to 1851.
Barro and
Lee database
This harvard site provides the data and
description of the database of Barro and Lee (2010).
This site contains five yearly data on attainment and average years of
education for a large number of countries since 1950.
Bristol customs
accounts and port books, 1503-1600
This site contains excel files of customs accounts and port books of
Burgundy Grape
Harvest Dates and Spring-Summer Temperature Reconstruction, 1370-2003
French records of grape-harvest dates in Burgundy were used to reconstruct
the spring-summer temperatures from 1370 to 2003 using a process-based
phenology model developed for the Pinot Noir grape.
Catalogue of
Norwegian official statistics 1828-1976
This site contains an overview of historical statistics of Norway. Some of
the data can be downloaded.
An overview website aimed at allowing researchers to access datasets on
variables such as GDP, human capital, life expectancy, population, wages
and prices, etc from ca. 1500 onwards.
Cohen and Soto estimates of years of
schooling (see "education database").
Cohen and Soto (2001) extent the work of de la Fuente and Doménech (2002) to include 95 countries. They use 10 year intervals and try to minimize the extrapolations
as many censuses are at 10 year intervals.
The data consists of average years of schooling for 95 countries at 10 year
intervals. The data go back to the 1950s.
Colonial Latin America economic datasets
A website maintaine dby
Richard L. Garner. The website hosts Colonial Latin American datasets on
commodity prices, mineral production, agricultural tithes, commercial
exchange and royal finances.
Consumer prices in
Denmark, 1502-2007
Pdf document. It is a working paper from Danmarks
Nationalbank, 2009 by Kim Abdilgren.
The data are at the end of the document.
Database Dutch
herring fisheries, 1500-1795
This site contains information on Dutch herring fisheries. It also contains
a dataset with average yearly catch per city and for Holland as a whole.
Data hub
"Heights and Biological Standard of Living"
Datasets on Germany, USA, France, and Austria on heights stretching back to
the 18th century.
Data hub "Historical Prices and
The Historical Prices and Wages site is intended as a data hub. It tries to
make available historical prices and wages both by offering datasets and by
referring to sites with historical data. It also contains a calculator
which allows the user to calculate the value of the Dutch guilder for any
year between 1450 and the current year.
Data hub "History of Work"
The History of Work site provides a classificationa
nd description of occupational titles from
countries arund the world from the sixteenth to
the twentieth century.
Data hub "Human capital"
The Human Capital hub is part of the Clio-Infra project and aims at making
available data on human capital from 1800 onwards and, ultimately, going
back to 1500.It offers links to human capital variables by offering
datasets and by referring to sites with historical data.
Digital South Asia Library
This website constains statistical abstracts of
British India with statistics (both in digital book-form and in Excel) over
the period 1840-1920.
Dutch historical
statistics, 1800-1999
This publication (in Dutch: 200 jaar statistiek in tijdreeksen)
contains time series on climate, GDP, population, agricture,
and prices.
Dutch imports and taxes,
ca. 1700-1900
This website maintained by George Welling presents several Datasets on
Dutch taxes and imports in the eighteenth century.
Dutch National Accounts,
Contains a both a description of the project and estimates of Dutch GDP and
its components over the period 1800-1913.
Economic History Society
deposited datasets
Currently two datsets are available: R.C. Allen,
'Progress and poverty in Early Modern Europe,', and P. King, 'The
production and consumption of bar iron in early modern England and Wales'.
EH.net databases on monetary-, export-, population-, and
wheat price statistics
The datasets included are:
Biweekly Data on the
Confederate Grayback Note Price of a Gold Dollar
in Richmond and Houston
Developing Country Export Statistics: 1840, 1860, 1880
and 1900
Early Forward Exchange
Markets: Vienna, 1876-1914
Early U.S. Securities
Prices, 1790-1860
Global Financial Data, 1880-1913
Greenback Series
Historical Labor Statistics Project Series
U.S. Agricultural Workforce,1800-1900
U.S. Customs House Data, 1854-59
U.S. Government Bond Trading Database, 1776-1835
U.S. National Bank Notes,
U.S. Population Series
U.S. Public Debt Issues, 1775-1976
Unskilled wage index,
Weekly Data on
Confederate Cotton Bond Prices in London and Junk Bond Prices in Amsterdam
Biweekly Data on the
Confederate Grayback Note Price of a Gold Dollar
in Richmond and Houston
Enqueste 1494 and Informacie 1514
From this website you can download the Enqueste
of 1494 and the Infomacie of 1514. Both sources
were surveys held by the government into the economic situation in Holland
and provide a wealth of economic data.
Estatísticas do Século XX
This site on Brasil is divided into a part on
population, social, political, and cultural statistics and a part on
economic statistics, including prices. The data go back to the early
twentieth century.
Fuente, Angel de la, and
Rafael Doménech, ‘Human Capital in Growth
Regressions: How Much Difference Does Data Quality Make?,’
OECD Economics Department Working Papers , No. 262 (2000), 2-68.
De La Fuente and Doménech (2002) constructed a
revised dataset with the Barro and Lee data for 21 OECD countries. They
used more data sources and, when more figures were available for the same
country and year, they used the most plausible to avoid implausible jumps
in the data.
Global Price and Income History Group
This site consists of historical data on prices, wages, and conversion
rates from all over the world. It also contains a list of related
publications and working papers.
Godo, Yoshihisa, 'Estimation of Average Years of Schooling
by Levels of Education for Japan and the United States, 1890-1990,’ FASID
Development Database (Foundation for Advanced Studies on International
Development, Japan), No. 2000-1.
Godo (2001) constructed a dataset consisting of
GDP, physical capital stock, hours worked, persons employed, population,
and average years of education per level of education (primary, secondary,
and higher) for Japan and the United States between 1890 and 1997. In
addition, it contains information on the lead, wheat, cotton, copper, iron,
and crude oil price.
Groningen Growth and
Development Center
The GGDC has series on GDP, population, and per capita GDP on an extensive
set of countries around the world stretching back to 1950.
Guide to search engines
for academic research
Using deep web search engines for
academic and scholarly research (Comparitech)
Hadley Centre Central England Temperature (HadCET) dataset, ca. 1659-2008
The CET dataset is the longest instrumental record of temperature in the
world. The mean, minimum and maximum datasets are updated monthly, with
data for a month normally available by the 20th of the next month. A
provisional CET for the current month is calculated on a daily basis. The
mean daily data begins in 1772 and the mean monthly data in 1659. Mean
maximum and minimum daily and monthly data are also available, beginning in
Historical Monetary
Statistics of Sweden 1668-2008
This datset contains a consumer price index
1290-2006, wages from 1540, exchange rates 1290-1834 and foreign exchanges
from 1658 onwards, money supply from 1871 onwards, stock exchange from 1856
onwards, and central government loans from 1668 onwards.
Historical Monetary Statistics
of Norway 1819-2003
The focus of this project has been to construct long time series of high
quality for consumer prices, nominal bond yields, monetary aggregates,
indicators of real activity (GDP), exchange rates, stock price indices,
house prices and bank lending from 1819 onwards.
Historical statistics of
This site contains several wage series, some starting as early as 1905,
disaggregated per occupational category and sex. Equally, import –and
export prices, wholesale and retail prices are available, some from 1867.
Further, this site has GDP estimates available from 1926 to 1976 using both
the production and expenditure approach.
Historical statistics of Iceland
This site of the National Economic Institute of Iceland contains data on Gross Domestic Product,
Gross National Product and value of fixed assets, National Expenditure, General government, Industrial profitability
and gross domestic factor income by industries, Labour market, Prices, earnings and
working hours, Foreign trade, Foreign debt, Monetary and exchange
rate matters, International comparison.
Some series go back to 1901.
Historicalstatistics.org is a portal for historical statistics, with the
main focus on macroeconomic data on Sweden in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Series are presented, for example, on GDP, inflation, employment, interest
rates, exchange rates, population, money supply, capital stocks, worked
hours, wages, profit rates and business cycle indicators. It also contains
links to websites with international statistics.
Historical statistics of
Based on the "Historical Statistics of Japan (First Edition)"
issued in 1987-1988, this websites contains time-series data covering
various fields including land, population, economy, society and culture.
The statistics covered in this publication ranges over a period of 135
years from 1868 to 2002.
Historical statistics of
Newfoundland and Labrador
The Historical Statistics of Newfoundland and Labrador contain monthly price
indices of several categories of goods from 1951 to 1969 and monthly data
on wages from 1951 to 1969 for several categories of labour.
Historical statistics of
the United States: Millennial Edition Online
The Historical Statistics of the United States as offered by Cambridge.
Paid edition.
Historische collectie van het cbs
The Dutch Statistical Office (CBS) is in the process of digitizing the
historical publications of the 19th and 20th centuries which may be
accessed via this website
History of Marine Animal
This website comprises time series of commercial catches of some 73 species
of fish and mammal, and extends to over 240,000 records covering the period
HNAG Database of Irish Historical
This site contains miscellaneous historical series stretching as far back
as 1700.
Alonso, Javier, and Simon
Sosvilla-Rivero, 'Human capital in Spain: An estimate
of educational attainment', Documento de trabajo 2004-08, 2006.
This paper gives the yearly educational attainment per level of education
in the working age population between 1910 and 1963.
Human capital stocks
(STOCK) and average years of schooling (School): Sweden, 1870-2000
Dataset on average years of education by level of education in Sweden. This
dataset is discussed in: Ljungberg, Jonas and Anders Nilsson, 'Human
Capital and Economic Growth: Sweden 1870-2000,' Cliometrica,
Labour Organisation: International Labour Review
The dataset includes:
1921 Vol. 1: 1921 Vol. 1 (1), Index 1921 Vol. 1 (1), pp. 3-4 1921 Vol. 1 (1), pp. 5-22 1921 Vol. 1 (1), pp. 41-44 1921 Vol. 1 (1), pp. 45-60 1921 Vol. 1 (1), pp. 61-67 1921 Vol. 1 (1), pp. 69-149 1921 Vol. 1 (2), pp. 3-8 1921 Vol. 1 (2), pp. 9-16 1921 Vol. 1 (2), pp. 17-23 1921 Vol. 1 (2), pp. 25-37 1921 Vol. 1 (2), pp. 39-130 1921 Vol. 1 (3), pp. 3-6 1921 Vol. 1 (3), pp. 7-21 1921 Vol. 1 (3), pp. 22-157
1921 Vol. 2: 1921 Vol. 2, Index 1921 Vol. 2 (1), pp. 3-16 1921 Vol. 2 (1), pp. 17-130 1921 Vol. 2 (2-3), pp. 3-29 1921 Vol. 2 (2-3), pp. 30-150
1921 Vol. 3: 1921 Vol. 3, Index 1921 Vol. 3 (1-2), pp. 3-25 1921 Vol. 3 (1-2), pp. 27-40 1921 Vol. 3 (1-2), pp. 41-50 1921 Vol. 3 (1-2), pp. 51-77 1921 Vol. 3 (1-2), pp. 78-236 1921 Vol. 3 (3), pp. 3-24 1921 Vol. 3 (3), pp. 25-42 1921 Vol. 3 (3), pp. 43-173
1921 Vol. 4: 1921 Vol. 4 (1) 1921 Vol. 4 (1) 1921 Vol. 4 (1), pp. 3-24 1921 Vol. 4 (1), pp. 25-32 1921 Vol. 4 (1), pp. 32-46 1921 Vol. 4 (2), pp. 3-14 1921 Vol. 4 (2), pp. 15-44 1921 Vol. 4 (2), pp. 45-62 1921 Vol. 4 (3) 1921 Vol. 4 (3) 1921 Vol. 4 (3), pp. 3-15 1921 Vol. 4 (3), pp. 17-27
1922 Vol. 5: 1922 Vol. 5, Index 1922 Vol. 5 (1), pp. 3-11 1922 Vol. 5 (1), pp. 13-33 1922 Vol. 5 (1), pp. 35-50 1922 Vol. 5 (1), pp. 51-65 1922 Vol. 5 (1), pp. 67-176 1922 Vol. 5 (2), pp. 179-208 1922 Vol. 5 (2), pp. 209-228 1922 Vol. 5 (2), pp. 229-250 1922 Vol. 5 (2), pp. 251-264 1922 Vol. 5 (2), pp. 265-353 1922 Vol. 5 (3), pp. 359-376 1922 Vol. 5 (3), pp. 377-380 1922 Vol. 5 (3), pp. 381-384 1922 Vol. 5 (3), pp. 385-409 1922 Vol. 5 (3), pp. 411-436 1922 Vol. 5 (3), pp. 437-454 1922 Vol. 5 (3), pp. 455-535 1922 Vol. 5 (4), pp. 539-552 1922 Vol. 5 (4), pp. 553-571 1922 Vol. 5 (4), pp. 573-588 1922 Vol. 5 (4), pp. 589-704 1922 Vol. 5 (5), pp. 707-722 1922 Vol. 5 (5), pp. 723-730 1922 Vol. 5 (5), pp. 731-738 1922 Vol. 5 (5), pp. 739-752 1922 Vol. 5 (5), pp. 753-852 1922 Vol. 5 (6), pp. 855-887 1922 Vol. 5 (6), pp. 889-910 1922 Vol. 5 (6), pp. 911-927 1922 Vol. 5 (6), pp. 928-1036
1922 Vol. 6: 1922 Vol. 6, Index 1922 Vol. 6 (1), pp. 3-10 1922 Vol. 6 (1), pp. 19-37 1922 Vol. 6 (1), pp. 38-160 1922 Vol. 6 (2), pp. 163-183 1922 Vol. 6 (2), pp. 185-199 1922 Vol. 6 (2), pp. 201-211 1922 Vol. 6 (2), pp. 212-324 1922 Vol. 6 (3), pp. 327-333 1922 Vol. 6 (3), pp. 335-344 1922 Vol. 6 (3), pp. 345-363 1922 Vol. 6 (3), pp. 365-374 1922 Vol. 6 (3), pp. 375-507 1922 Vol. 6 (4), pp. 511-526 1922 Vol. 6 (4), pp. 527-545 1922 Vol. 6 (4), pp. 559-695 1922 Vol. 6 (5), pp. 699-720 1922 Vol. 6 (5), pp. 721-734 1922 Vol. 6 (5), pp. 735-868 1922 Vol. 6 (6), pp. 871-892 1922 Vol. 6 (6), pp. 893-916 1922 Vol. 6 (6), pp. 917-923 1922 Vol. 6 (6), pp. 925-1048
1922 Vol. 7: 1923, Index
1923 Vol. 7 (1), pp. 1-13
1923 Vol. 7 (1), pp. 15-24
1923 Vol. 7 (1), pp. 25-37
1923 Vol. 7 (1), pp. 38-180
1923 Vol. 7 (1), pp. 38-180
1923 Vol. 7 (2-3), pp. 181-187
1923 Vol. 7 (2-3), pp. 189-208
1923 Vol. 7 (2-3), pp. 209-229
1923 Vol. 7 (2-3), pp. 231-239
1923 Vol. 7 (2-3), pp. 241-251
1923 Vol. 7 (2-3), pp. 252-480
1923 Vol. 7 (4), pp. 481-506
1923 Vol. 7 (4), pp. 507-514
1923 Vol. 7 (4), pp. 515-540
1923 Vol. 7 (4), pp. 541-667
1923 Vol. 7 (4), pp. 632-636
1921-1934, Index
John Munro data
This personal webpage of John Munro contains, among others, historical
series of textiles, prices and wages in Holland and England between ca. 1300
and 1700.
Ireland-Bristol Trade in
the Sixteenth Century
This site contains data of the Bristol customs accounts between 1503 and
1600, i.e. the good shipped to and from Bristol.
Le Thi
Van Trinh, John Gibson, and Les Oxley, 'A Forward-Looking Measure of the
Stock of Human Capital in New Zealand', 2003.
Data are available of a disaggregated human capital stock for New Zeland for the years 1981, 1986, 1991, 1996, and 2001.
Lindert, Peter, Growing Public: Social Spending and
Economic Growth since the Eighteenth Century, Cambridge University
Press, 2004.
This website contains data on government expenditure in combination with
decadal educational enrolment figures for a large number of countries
between 1830 and 1930.
Lund University
Macroeconomic and Demographic Database (LU-MADD)
This websites hosts historical datasets on "Money and
Finance", "Population", "Prices and
Wages", and the "Swedish Historical
National Accounts 1800-2000".
Measuring the medieval
Islamic economy
This site provides data on taxes, wages and prices in medieval Iraq, Syria
and Egypt.
Measuring worth: Six Ways
to Compute the Relative Value of a U.S. Dollar Amount, 1790 - 2006
This site allows you to calculate how much a certain amount in USD from any
year between 1790 and 2006 is worth in another year. In order to do so, you
can make use of either the CPI, GDP deflator, consumer bundle, unskilled
wage, GDP per capita, and (the relative share of) GDP, series of which can
also be found on that site together with the historical GDP, GDP deflator, CPI, earnings, and
population of the UK including benchmarks for 1300 and 1688.
MetOffice UK: Historic station data
Historical data in the UK by weather station. The data start in certain
cases in the late 19th century and include mean daily maximum temperature (tmax), mean daily minimum temperature (tmin), days of air frost (af),
total rainfall (rain), and total sunshine duration (sun).
Montevideeo-Oxford Latin American Economic History Database
The Montevideo-Oxford Latin American Economic History Database (MOxLAD) contains statistical series for a wide range of
economic and social indicators, including prices, covering twenty countries
in the region for the period 1900-2000.
Nehru and Dhareshwar stock of human and physical capital
This site provides the data and a description of the construction of the
physical and human capital stock of a large number of developing countries.
The data consists of the physical capital stock, GDP, and human capital
stock (average years of education) for a large numbe
rof developing countries between 1950 and 1990.
Netherlands Historical Data Archive (DANS)
The Netherlands Historical Data Archive (DANS) collects research data sets
containing historical information. It now has a system called DANS EASY for
online depositing and downloading of data. Full information is on the About
page. The datasets contain data pertaining to the following
subjects/disciplines: colonial history, cultural history, historical
demography, history of law, occupations and taxes, prosopography,
socio-economic history and urban history, history of trade and shipping.
Norwegian Historical Data Centre (NHDC)
The Norwegian Historical Data Centre (NHDC) is a national institution under
the Faculty of Social Science at the University of Tromsø.
The main aim of NHDC is to computerise the
Norwegian censuses from 1865 onwards together with the parish registers and
other sources from the 18th and 19th centuries. The ultimate goal is a
national population register for the 18th and 19th centuries, primarily for
research purposes, but also for the benefit of schools, genealogists, local
historians, etc. P The Data Center consists of two departments: the
department of administration and research at the University campus in Tromsø, and the department of registration in the
municipality of Målselv.
Pages on Danish Economic
This website contains historical monetary- and price series.
Personal website of Angus Maddison
This website contains historical series of GDP (in 1990 GK dollars) and
population for a large number of countries, stretching back to around 1820.
Prices and Wages in
S.-Petersburg 1853-1910
The Faculty of History of the Moscow State University offers on above site
(only main page in English) four databases with
economic history data on Russia in the second half of the nineteenth
century. The first database links to the wages of construction workers and
the price behaviour of bread in S.-Petersburg
Provincial finances in
the days of the Republic of the United Netherlands, ca 1550-1795
This project provides access to the most important data on public finance
in the Netherlands prior to 1795. Currently available are data on Drenthe,
Friesland, Groningen, Holland, Overijssel, and
Pyo and Jin (2000) estimates of
human and non-human capital stock n the USA
(1929-1969), Japan (1955-1996), and Korea (1954-1990) using the expenditure
This paper constains in table A-2 the dataset.
This dataset is based on: Pyo, Hak K. and S. Jin(2000)
"A comparative Profile of Human Capital: Us, Japan and Korea" Insang Hwang and Konosuke Odaka (eds.), The Long-Term Economic Statistics of
Korea 1910-1990, Institute of Economic Reseach,
Hitotsubashi University.
Series longues macroeconomiques
This site from the CEPII provides long run data on GDP, phsyical-
and human capital, and prices for France, starting in the 19th century.
This site contains a series of stock of graduates (end off
high-school) in the active population (Annual data: 1809-1993) and a series
of the structure of the active population by duration of education and by
sex, active population by sex, and compound indexes of human capital men
(Annual data: 1896-1994).
Soviet Economic
Statistical Series
This dataset is part of the databases of the Slavic Research Centre of the
Hokkaido University. It contains information on national income, capital
formation, industrial sectors, and prices starting around 1950.
Statistical Abstract of
the United States
This site contains the statistical abstracts of the United States between
Statistical Yearbook of
the League of Nations
This site contains the integral Statistical Yearbook of the League of
Nations between 1926 and 1944. This contains all sorts of data, including
population, price, and banking data.
Statistics Canada:
Statistical yearbooks 1867-1967
This site contains the statistical yearbook of Canada for each year between
1867 and 1967. The data include, amongst others, population, finance,
banking, trade, currency, postal office, and marine statistics.
Swedish Historical
National Accounts 1560?2010
The Swedish Historical National Accounts 1560?2010, released in 2012,
presents a new database with an extended and revised version of SHNA
Three centuries of
English crops yields, 1211-1491
This websites contains a wealth of data on yields per seed derived from
English manorial accounts over the period 1211-1491.
The Human Mortality Database
The Human Mortality Database (HMD) was created to provide detailed
mortality and population data to researchers, students, journalists, policy
analysts, and others interested in the history of human longevity. It is a
cooperation between the University of California and the Max Planck
Turner, Tamura,
Mulholland, and Baier dataset on average years of education in the states
of the USA between 1840-2000
These data are based on the paper Education and
Income of the States of the United States:1840-2000
and give average years of education and experience per state in the
USA for the period between 1840 and 2000.
Wages, Prices &
Living Standards: The World-Historical Perspective
This site, maintained by Bob Alen, consists of a
series of wages of craftsmen and labourers in
several European cities from the Middle Ages to World War I.
Wheat and transport cost
data, 1850-1900
This website maintained by Karl Gunnar Persson contains weekly price series
of wheat in New York and London together with weekly transport costs and
exchange rate. All are used in his paper 'Mind the Gap! Transport Costs and
Price Convergence in the 19th Century Atlantic Economy', European
Review of Economic History, Vol. 8 (2) 2004.
World Input-Output
This website contains input output table sof the
world as well as of a large number of individual countries for the late
20th and start 21st centuries.
history of Wijk bij Duurstede (Utrecht, the
700 jaar
stad Wijk bij Duurstede
On this website you find articles from the local newspaper discussing the
history of the past 700 years of the city of Wijk
bij Duurstede.
This website contains digital data of family trees of the ex inhabitants of the Kromme
Rijn area and the Utrechtse Heuvelrug.
1. till 1811: the books of baptism, weddings and funerals of the churches
and tribunals, which belong to the participating municipalities of the
Regional Archive.
2. from 1812: the registers of births, marriages and deaths of the
municipalities which participate in the Regional Archive.
Historische Kring 'Tussen
Rijn en Lek'
This organisations exists since 1966 and has as
objective to function as a platform for people interested in, and to expand
the (historical) knowledge of, this region.
op de lenen van Gaasbeek
Appendix to: J.C. Kort, "Repertorium op de
lenen van Gaasbeek. De Hofsteden Abcoude (1270-1664), Wijk (1355-1664),
Woudenberg (1368-1648) en het leenhof van Simon
en Hendrik van Haarlem (1388-1650)" (Historische Reeks
Kromme-Rijngebied 6).
Tijdschrift "Het Kromme-Rijngebied"
(Just type in the title field "Tussen Rijn and
"Het Kromme-Rijngebied is the journal of the
Historical Circle Historische Kring 'Tussen
Rijn en Lek'.It
is issued four times a year and covers the villages of Bunnik,
Cothen, 't Goy, Houten,
Langbroek, Odijk, Schakwijk, Tull en 't Waal, Vechten, Werkhoven
en Wijk bij Duurstede. Except for the
most recent isues, it is digitalised
on this website of Utrecht University.
On this website it is possible to find your Dutch ancestors since the start
of civil registration around 1811. Some records even go back to 1780. It
includes also some overseas territories such as the Netherlands Antilles.